Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Little About Me

Hello to those who have come across this blog of mine. My name is Elizabeth Piumetti, though I prefer to go by Liz, and I am a 25 year old female currently living in Los Angeles, California. In late 2018, I graduated from San Diego State University with an Industrial/Organizational Psychology Bachelor’s Degree and was accepted into the Disney College Program as a retail sales clerk in early 2019. Disney has always been a company that I wanted to work at so it felt like a dream when I got accepted and went in with the hopes of putting my foot in the door to expand within the company. However, the pandemic hit and many of those plans came to a halt as the world tried to find a way to navigate what would be our new normal. Unfortunately, I was caught in the lay off that they did and that is when I decided to go back to school, thus starting my journey through the ASU online program to get a Tourism and Recreational Degree. At this current moment, I did get rehired at Disney within the same position (though I am in the process of trying to switch departments to go into guest services) and I hopefully will be graduating this upcoming spring. Once I switch departments, the hope is to eventually move up the ladder and ultimately become a manager where I can supervise staff in the hospitality industry and empower them to give guests the best experience possible. My life definitely isn’t where I planned it to be but I have learned and grown and I’m looking forward to seeing where the future takes me next. 

A picture with Max Goof and myself
Regardless of whatever path I end up taking, I know that I want to have a career in hospitality and tourism management, specifically in either a hotel, theme park, or even an airport. Before settling into management degrees, I actually wanted to go into the entertainment industry because I genuinely enjoy seeing people happy. I like making people happy. Whether it’s through writing a story or bending the rules a bit and giving a discount, knowing that I added a small spark of happiness to someone’s day is something that keeps me going. Coupled with the fact that I’ve grown to be more passionate about the psychology of employees, it really solidified the fact that I want to be in this industry and have the best of both worlds. 

When I’m not focused on school and work, I enjoy doing creative things like writing and drawing. I also love to read and watch a variety of different media that fluctuate depending on my mood. Sometimes I’ll be in the mood for a sweet Disney movie that discusses the beauty of family and other times I’m interested in a show that brings up morally gray situations that makes one think after moments of profound silence. In essence, I love hearing a great story just as much as I love telling a good story. 

To close out, I’m excited to share my intellectual journey with everyone and I look forward to any growth that will come from starting this blog. 

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